800 credit score #4

See # 3

# 4 

Good morning good day ye-hay we are on our way, this is where we are.

WE understand that a debt is a contractual financial promise we have made.

The best credit cards for now are the ones with the highest limit, that we can pay in full every billing cycle.

The best investments we can make #1 – ourselves, # 2 – Real estate, # 3 -Gold,  these things I will explain in detail as future posts are published.

We understand that a debt is a contractual financial promise we have made.

We have created a physical record of our financial obligations our financial life in its detailed entirety, in a physical form that we can hold in our hand.

The records are set up as follows.

Page -1 – As a monthly bills ledger arranged as a scheduler and tracker of all of our bills and payments, the payments due 1 – 15 and 15 – 30.

Page – 2 – A ledger tracking and recording of the payment account, deposit, debit and balances with detailed notation for every transaction.

Page 3 –  list of debts owed  in order of highest interest first.

We are #1 –  paying on time every time, trying to get 15 days ahead on the payments due.

# 2 – we are keeping our payment account up to date and trying to achieve a 1000 dollar buffer in the account.

# 3 – we are stopping the money drain by stopping any late fees, check charges, and interest being assessed against us.

# 4 – increasing our credit line by applying for a credit limit increase after receiving a low interest offer. meanwhile reducing our credit debt by paying down the balances of highest interest debt first and not acquiring any new debts.

Today I am going to speak of our understanding and perception of what the totality of your financial promise and your credit character means, in the global economy. This understanding is the # 1 investment you can make, the absolute most important investment in yourself.

Hang on because I am going to remove the Veil that has been placed over this issue, reveling the truth of this matter.

If you are thinking you can escape your obligation of promise this is going to hurt.

(You are only as good as your word.)

 Yes you can break your promise, but you can never escape the reality of the promise.

The benefits of keeping your promise is, absolutely necessary on the path to happiness.

The consequences of breaking your promise. It may seem to be overlooked by the people around you, but they will never forget.

Nether do you forget your broken promise.

The financial WORLD will not forget.

In the united states your broken financial promise may, under a certain set of tax and financial laws be forgiven. What this means is that the original creditor has deemed your bill, non – collectible so they can wright it off there taxes.

Meaning that the tax paying people of the united states have to pay your bill because you did not.

So now your debt is 100% profit to anyone who can collect it.

Enter the collection industry, in all there variants, constantly mutating into new parasitic identity’s inventing new hard ball tactics for there collection strategy.

  Plenty of the you-tubers and the for profit debt consolidation or reduction thief’s who teach you lies a bought escaping your obligations for there benefit.

Your credit character goes way beyond the desk of some creditor evaluating your score and worthiness for your next debt.

We live in a global economy, I can and do go anywhere in the world and use my credit credentials to conduct financial activity’s. It is all digital information and is traveling around and around the globe at light speed.

When I travel and I step up to the customs officer of whatever country,  and present my passport.

They already know who I am, they have all my info and know everything a bought me.

The cameras that have tracked me from the very first step I took have already provided them with my information, they are just reaffirming what they already know.

Tourism and business, people in every corner of the world are tracked in every conceivable way. Every entity you me, them we all have a financial character that is being recorded. Every transaction every promise every payment and non nonpayment is recorded and then statistically manipulated in every way imaginable.

Your detailed financial character is being recorded and compiled into not only a score. Your credit score, but a prediction they know you, your financial habits likes, dislikes, they are predicting your next step and are there ready and waiting for you it is all seen globally.

One day very soon you will be allowed or not allowed restricted or granted movement based on your social and credit character and ability.

If you have nothing to offer you will have no invitation to the party.

Right now the system is based pretty much  on your criminal records, passports are restricted or non restricted,  although Visas in addition require proof of and are dependent on financial ability.

Mark my words soon very soon they will no longer ask for your financial information for a entry Visa, because they will already have it.

And if you have nothing to offer you will not be welcome.

Does this make sense to you yet?

Keeping your promises paying your bills, will determine your ability of mobility, to conduct business or even get a job to carry on with normal life.

Bottom line, You have got to keep your promises.

You will ether be a person of integrity or not, yes or no, black and white.

So do what we all know is right, do it because it is the right thing to do.

Keep your promises.

If you have traveled down the wrong road been mislead developed bad habits this is going to be a tough pill to swallow but you must choose to do this there is no other way.

So do not be mislead do not try to escape, this is the only true path. Join me, stand tall, confident and powerful and self governing, and free. Be a person of character with a record of keeping your promises.

Go where you want when you want with peace of mind smile big, sleep well.

My dear friends we travel a thousand miles one step at a time, just take that first step keep your promise.

See the associated Video

 See #5.

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