800 credit score #5

Hello I am Brett from
BRETBEL.COM   and this is
How to get a 800+ credit score.

Get it and keep it. #5

To get a 800+ score – You must Keep track, know exactly where you are always, every balance every due date and keep every promise.

A great credit score is one thing, To keep it is another.


Getting the score, it is really not about  money, what it is about is developing a character that is true to yourself and when you do what is right then you think well of yourself  and when you think well of yourself happiness is at hand.

you see – The goal of life is Happiness.

It gives you confidence the strength, energy and power to govern yourself.

To overcome the inevitable adversarial occurrences and recognise  opportunities presented in life. You become financially independent. That means that you are in control of the direction of your life.

There is so much in this world that if you simply set yourself up for success, point yourself in the right direction it will happen.

Don’t complicate it, just do what is correct understand your obligations and keep every promise.

One year has gone by, if you have followed and payed every bill on time kept your promise there will be a noticeable difference in your life you now can understand clearly where you are at and how to get where you want to be.

  Now! What investment will do for you.

When you are investing you are using your money instead of wasting it.

Develop the habit of keeping your money, become frugal about spending, wasting money is a bad habit.

Every transaction needs to be mentally categorized and justified is it a liability or asset, cost or gain an investment or a waste.

Keep track eliminate the question of where did it go.

Become a money hack figure ways to keep your money instead of spending it.

When you are investing you are putting yourself in a position to learn about what you are doing.

I suggest you dive in head first, the education you get from hands on investing will benefit your life in so many ways I could not begin to list them all, start small just do it.

There are endless resources public library, online and elsewhere just start researching, reading on any financial subject’s that come to mind, it will lead to exciting places soon your creativity will kick in, you will begin to form ideas and questions? seek the answers, play out the scenarios of your ideas. Just do it  jump in you will find excitement and reward.

All I ask is do not do anything that is not because of your own informed decision, don’t do it because of anyone else.

Do it from your own informed intuition.

learn to make  informed decisions for yourself and how to act on them, and remember: to take a small jump and fall, is a step forward, pay attention, pick yourself up, don’t be afraid it’s how we learn, educate yourself and you will  learn to trust yourself.

You will get out of life exactly what you put into it.

There are a few no brainers for investment opportunity, there are places you can put your money while you figure it out. And in figuring it out I can tell you that Long term is truth. Short term investing is not the way to stability or piece of mind.

MIND SET, please don’t get lost or mislead, this is not about making a bunch of money, this is about a path to happiness / piece of mind, financial independence,  self governance and freedom.

History has stories to tell and one story  is GOLD, PHYSICAL GOLD.

Get a understanding of the current price,   look at –

cash for gold calculator .com

Then go buy some, it is a historical hedge against everything bad. Soon I will do a video on just Gold. Till then there is plenty info out there for free. The only way you can go wrong with gold is to pay way too much for it, that being said it never goes away it will last forever. It is a no brainer get todays price then go shop for some gold, pawn shops, store clearance, coin stores, estate sales, thrift stores, if you have some money see the gold dealers like Kitco  Have fun.

Your payment history is important, it matters , So keep paying on time.

Never hide from your creditors stay ahead of it, if there is a problem coming up contact them I promise they will work with you.

Another no brainer is Real estate, make a informed decision, don’t buy garbage find something structurally sound then do it.

There is no better time to take advantage of low interest money than now,  just figure how much you can afford for a mortgage payment and get it done, it is a no brainer with interest at 2 to 3 % there is a fortune to be had  buy something you can rent out do it now if you can.

IRA’s – 401’s  any retirement accounts, I say at this time in history only a HSA investment account has any security at all.

Setting yourself up to trust and rely on the parasitic nature of Government and or Bankers or Brokers, is a recipe for servitude and poverty  that is another history lesson.

Investing of your own accord is correct, letting someone else make your decisions is wrong, The only profit worthwhile is self growth.

Do not be afraid to learn about investing, The information you need to educate yourself is plentiful and free, read, read, read and understand for yourself. Interact with the investment world and always make your own decision never relinquish control Be self governing.

leave me a comment or any questions.

The Original question  – What will investment do for you?

Answer – It will secure your Future, Apply yourself to it and experience the reward.

see – Best investments

I wish you all the best, Do not be afraid, Jump in.

Smile be happy and I will see you soon.

Watch the video-  800 Credit score get it and keep it #5

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