The logistics of a trip

It all starts with a longing for something new. What is over the ridge? Into the wild blue, water or sky or anything new.

Meeting people from a million places across the world.

A taste of something exotic and tantalizingly new. Get a piece of paper and a pencil, Wright it down wright everything down from now on. Do it in pencil there will always be changes and updates that is always a part of travel. So get used to it, stay flexible and learn to make this planning part fun.

Start looking at Cruise opportunities  Flights to anywhere, All inclusive resorts, look at travel videos and foody videos get inspired.

Then come up with Prospective dates for beginning and end. Home to back home. Where you would like to go. How you would like to get there. Then wright down the total amount you wish to budget for this trip. Dont worry if you do not have it yet, go ahead plan the trip give it life, give it power,  Let it fall into place. Every great journey starts with but one step. This is the first step, jump in, work towards it. If you want it, it will happen. Save and set yourself up for it. It will happen if you plan for it.

Once you have these things start disassembling the trip into components day1 day2 day #3, destinations, motels, flights, ships, everything your trip entails. Then beak each one of them down wright it all down reserch everything between youtube and Search engines online you can finde everything you need including prices.

Just keep track so you will keep confusion at bay let it develop into a detailed itinerary, after a couple trips you will get good at it and start having fun doing it.

Bella is so good at this and if you ask her specific questions she will share her magic with you ASK

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