About us

Bel & Bret carried on a long distance online friendship.

Then met in person and quickly become inseparable.

Married and have faithfully been best friend’s / travel buddy’s & life partners since.

Our love journey is like and unlike many other’s in cross nation couplings.

To say the least it is not like dating the neighbor the logistics of 6000 miles and the government’s of separate country’s.

Not to mention the societal pre disposed stigma, profiteers and cultural differences leads to a  interesting story to tell. With all the necessary component’s. A longing, A beginning, A large body of substance, comedy, heartbreak, suspense,  pure terror, pure fun, long distance travel. A end witch is somewhat predictable but unforeseeable.

In our related Blogging on this subject we will try to help other couples on there journey. To avoid costly mistakes and facilitate a insight for the advancement of a worthy cause Truth and love.

So we invite you to join us on our journey.  Ask any questions you may have

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