Air travel

There is no steadfast best rule to abide by other than be diligent keep notes be as flexible as possible and avoid stress.


 Third party may appear to save you money up front but make shure you understand the policies of every Airline you will be involved with. They can differ greatly and the middle man only sells tickets. It is up to you to find this info. use the Airline web sites. Simple is fun complicity is not. We are going to give you all the information from our experiences on this and many more subject’s related to air travel.


OMG. in the USA. The security sections can literally Destroy your vacation.

You may find yourself embarrassed to be a citizen of this country in the face of respectable foreign travelers or even unexperienced domestic travelers.

Pay attention be prepared to face the Home Land Security Force in all its different uniforms. they are there to scare the hell out of everyone to expose the one in a million bad guy. You have no rights your citizenship means nothing. Get that through your head. Do your research to what credentials you will need. what is allowed, packing requirements, follow the regulations exactly, go early get in line, do not get mad, be submissive do as you are told these people can and will get very ugly very fast.

If you are afraid of these people it is for good reason. They want to intimidate you, interfere with your day, destroy any sense of privacy, tear your luggage apart, throw your things in the garbage, make you miss your flight. You have no rights and will be afforded no respect. Just do everything correctly and you will  make it through the security section – until next time.

The bigger the city, the worse they will treat you. Our worst experiences to date have been with LAX. SFO. and DWT. Our best experiences with Airports are all outside the united states and we find that very sad. that being said the Airports themselves can be a fun place to spend time a great place to window shop and meet travelers. we will be wrighting reviews on everything to do with Air travel so

follow along with us.


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