
This starts with a morning cup of coffee and lends itself to what is in the refrigerator.

We love Omelets, they are so adaptable to almost anything you could think of or happen to have or could be a favorite you have planed for.

And they are so easy to prepare. Some of our favorite ingredients are

God made kale for omelets please try kale in your omelet it can be by itself or in combination. I trim the leaf from the big stem chop it microwave it 1 minute then mix in egg.

Another favorite is sardine caned in hot tomato chilly sauce.

You can use sausage, bacon, ham, pepperoni almost any flavor of chopped meat will do.

Tomato is always welcome toping, Velveeta or any other cheese you like pickled jalapeño or other pepper blanched chopped veggie of any type.

Beat the egg in bowl 2 per person, add the chopped ingredients, mix put in a warm non stick pan

cooked covered on med low heat till just wet on top turn over till just cooked, plate put toppings of choice, salsa Tabasco chili sauce there is no limits.

Be creative have fun eat yum yum.

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Hot and Sour soup

Hot and Sour soup
We really like this soup, it takes planning and assembly and specific ingredients but still relatively easy. If you have any problem acquiring ingredients please contact us we can head you in the right direction. Ok the ingredients will be listed in three groups in order of assembly. Group #1 start by pre soaking the dry mushroom and fungus it needs soak 4 hrs if whole 2 hrs if sliced.

Combine and simmer 20 minutes
Shitake mushroom ¼ cup, sliced
Black fungus 1/8 cup, sliced
Stock , pork or chicken 3 cups
Fresh chop ginger 1 tbsp
Shredded carrot ¼ cup
Then add
Sliced pork ¼ cup- mix with 3 tbsp corn starch- and 2 tbsp soy sauce
Simmer 10 more minutes
1- tbsp dark soy
1 tsp sugar
¼ cup sliced tofu add last 5 minutes of stewing

#2 add after simmer ends
1 tbsp white pepper ground or powder for hot
1 tsp for mild
3 tbsp of black Chinese vinegar can substitute with balsamic.

#3 garnish with
Sesame oil
Green scallion
Serve hot

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Taco Salad

This one is too easy,

Tacos and burritos are totally flexible, they can be as complicated or simple as you choose, this is a dish that is super easy, super tasty and cheap.

Basic ingredients Chips, salsa, chopped meat, onion,tomato, lettuce, red and black pepper, shredded cheese.

The meat and the cheese are totally flexible use whatever you want.

pre heat oven 350f

Brown meat with chopped onion pepper to your taste.

Spread chips on a baking sheet.

Add some salsa to meat after cooked just enough to give it some moisture.

Chop the tomato and lettuce, you can add anything you want.

Put the chips in oven just brown and crispy

Plate the Browned chips, top with meat and cheese, then layer the rest of salad items lettuce on the top, then whatever you want Salad dressing or salsa or Tabasco or all.

Total prep and cook 1/2 hr.

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how to a 800 credit score get it and keep it #2


See #1

How to a 800 credit score get it and keep it. #2
Lets start simply They say that your payment history is 35% of your score .

That is only true if you have a good score if you have unpaid accounts or collection because you did not pay as promised, then it will stop you 100% from achieving a 800 score.
#1 You have got to get it in your head that a debt is a promise, that you made and you have got to keep your promise, there is no escape ever.

You do not want an escape.

This keeping your promises, affects your entire life, your state of being and your identification of your self worth.

(He who promises Runs in debt)

Do not listen to any one, telling you it will be gone in 7 years.

Bull shit, it will only go away if you settle the debt and then, it will go away 7 years later.

If you do not settle the debt, they will resale your debt time after time and chase you and screw your life and peace of mind and credit forever.

Just stop any thought of escaping your responsibility. You have got to keep your word job #1.

A debt is a promise you have made, and every promise is a debt of some type. Your un kept promises will bleed you dry.

Your word, your signature, your handshake, your promise, may be cosmetically overlooked by your wife your kids your friends, your self.

But the financial world will not overlook it.

There is only one way, You must Keep your promise.

If you are ready to accept your responsibility then follow along with me.

If you are still looking for a escape, I can not help you do not waste your time here.

First lets get a clear hands on understanding of the financial promises you have made.

Cancel all paperless billing, reinstate the actual paper bills that come in the mail box.

(Life is only as real as you are) Life is better lived hands on.

No more abstract financial anything, you will physically hold your finical life in your hands.

Feel it, become one with it. You will learn your debts and creditors so well that you can see them in your sleep feel them in your gut, you will learn they are your best friends. you will see your finances as a clear road map to financial freedom.

We can easily research for any and all information we need any time we need it.

Now we are going to Create a set of hand written ledgers title them accounts payable and payment account or whatever makes sense to you. Pieces of paper that will be written by your hand and held in your hand.

Now collect a full set of your bills everything you owe, get them in your hand.

On the first ledger list every bill you have.  list the bills by date due.  1st – 15th then 15th thru 30th include all of your bills.

Now get another piece of paper and create a ledger for the account you use to pay your debts. If you have more than one then consolidate to one, understand that (simplicity is power) and you need that power to achieve what we are after.

Now get a known current balance put it at the top  as first entry Balance forward. Now run the ledger as deposit and debit each entry will have notation of check#, if it was a check or a notation and recite for cash withdrawals, or deposits and a notation for each debit or electronic payment  who it was paid to and any other important info.

After each session of debit’s or deposit to the account do the math, record your current balance with a notation of date.

Note for each deposit where it was derived from. Carry a minimum of 1000$ buffer in the payment account.  When the ledger shows a 0.00 bal. you have $1000. In the account.

On the accounts payable ledger your goal is to pay 15+ days in advance so the set of bills due 15th – 30th current month are paid on the 1st – 15th. bills due 1st – 15th following month are payed 15th – 30th current month. I sit down at my desk twice a month to pay bills, on the 1st and 15th. Every payment that is made will have a notation of check # or conformation #

now these ledgers folded in half, will create a pocket to hold all the paper bills.  The Paid bills out of there envelope, and unpaid bills turned up in the envelope also recites, check copy’s bank statements Etc. I use a large paper clasp to keep it all together. At the end of the month you have a sweet little package of records for that months financial activity.

Create new ledgers using last months ledgers updated for the next month.  Put the last months completed ledger package in storage for any time referral and tax time.

Now just do this.

You have created a hands on relationship with your financial obligations. And a way of understanding and paying your bills on time every time.

Just do this one thing for now.

Pay on time every time.

Next time video #3 we will work on prioritizing witch bills we pay down and why & increasing the credit limits and why.

If you will start paying your bills on time every time you are on your way to a 800 score.

Keep your ledgers up to date so you know exactly where you are at all times. Fondle your bills and ledger get very personal with them.

Just do this one thing get rely good at it.

Be happy you are on your way.

See you next time.

Don’t forget click, the thumbs up, subscribe and click the bell.

See associated video Click this link 

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travel secrets exposed

Going on a cruise or any distant travel ?

The majority of the expense is getting there.

We find the places in-between the beginning and the final destination offer opportunity that should not be overlooked. They can add to the overall experience an extention to the vacation.

It always ends too soon.

If you are already there take advantage of the offerings. We always, in the planning stages look closely at all the possibilities along the way, of getting to our final destination.

Could be that for a small added price to the trip, you can spend a couple extra days involved in exploring.

A new experience in a new place.

 Most everywhere has a claim to fame. Everywhere has cultural attractions, museums and the such many will coincidentally have festivals or fairs happening, all of these things are worth your experiencing.

Don’t be guilty of overlooking opportunity, research your travel.

Many times we will purposely book a flight with a long layover, there are some fantastic airports and hosting cities

More of them all the time, are offering tours for the long layovers. Some of the best we have experienced are Narita- Tokyo Japan,  Inchon- South Korea and Changi- Singapore and there are so many others.

I love the small out of the way places everyone else overlooks. So often these places are so full of attractions, that they become the next destination on our bucket list.

It would take me a life time just to tell you of the storys and experiences we have had in the middle of a trip to somewhere.

For you, it could be anywhere.

So on to a experience, we were booked for a cruise out of port Lauderdale.

It did not take much research to see there was plenty to see and do, in fort lauderdale city, so we booked two extra days going and two returning, it was well worth it for the price of the motel room and food.

Seriously the initial trip of 9 days including flights to and from and a 7 day Cruise abought $6000. Then for a added $500 + or – change, we extended it to 13 days and had a way larger overall experience on this vacation.

We stayed at a less than one year old Comfort suites hotel they are basically 100 per. night.

We look for Clean first,  and we are expecting Good friendly service. We were not disapointed.

The Breakfast was the normal hot and cold selection self serve, it got the job done and plenty fruits available for the daily journey. We found some great restaurants while we were there.

We like our vacation experiences to be hands on.

We used the bus, public transportation, it was a easy to understand system and economical to ride and got us where we wanted to go.

I will just mention some highlights for us. The new acquaintances we just love to meet new friends, Hollywood & Dania beach & Flamingo gardens.  There was so much more Sawgrass mall, nature trails, wild life we have never been around before it was wonderful and fascinating so happy we did not miss this.

What I am trying to say, its all worth it when you take the time to look.

Our advice is take the time and look.

Love you all, enjoy all your vacation’s.

Bret & Bel

See the youtube video associated with this blog, Click this link

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Sausage, biscuits and gravy

For two, adjust accordingly for more.

Start with a store bought country sausage or the breakfast sausage of your choice. I like to make my own

1lb Ground pork, 1 clove smashed minced garlic, tsp. black pepper, 1 table spoon sage, 1 tsp nutmeg,  1/2 tsp red pepper to taste, mix and refrigerate till needed.

you can also use bacon if you wish I also make my own, just rub generously on to pork belly or side, a mix of 1 part salt, 2 part sugar, a little maple or liquid smoke to taste put in a baking dish cover let stand in refrigerator 1 week, pour off liquid rinse then bake at 170f until meat is 140f, cut into portions, freeze unused for later, slice to liking, salt to taste, cook and enjoy.

pre heat oven to 450 f

Brown the sausage in a pan. When done, drain the oil use for rue or discard.

Make a white gravy either a flour rue & milk or package country gravy mix make about 2 cups.

Put sausage in gravy, let sit on very low heat –  stir occasionally, black pepper to taste, the longer it sits the more flavor it develops.

1 Cup flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 1&1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 2&1/2tbs Butter, 1/2 cup milk, mix dry ingredients fold the butter in, add the milk you can substitute it with plane yogurt, or butter milk, mix gently till just mixed, should be fairly sticky, spoon on to greased baking sheet abought 1/3 cup each biscuit, bake abought 8 min + or – when they are browned to your taste.

plate pour gravy on then and enjoy.

abought 1 hr. start to finish.

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Tangy Italian style spaghetti

This all started in my childhood, growing up eating my grandmothers cooking. Every holiday and on every occasion anyone could think of. We were all at grandmas for the day, Her mainstays were Italian spaghetti, rosemary chicken, and a green salad. Her spaghetti was famous, her version would take all day in the kitchen, she started with fresh tomato’s. Well times have changed and so have I. But still trying to cook with love I use some of her basic guidelines,  just a quicker less time consuming version, I’m Shure she understands.

Basic ingredients. Beef roast, pasta, carrot, spaghetti sauce, French bread, butter, garlic, allspice, teaspoon sugar & ground parmesan cheese.

crush and mince garlic to taste mix with butter & parmesan cheese set aside.

Chop the beef into pretty small cubes I used a cross rib roast this time

Start the meat browning with a little olive oil.

start simmering the sauce with chopped garlic & carrot, teaspoon sugar, & a shake of allspice. NO ONION.

Brown the meat well, brown color is flavor, then add to sauce and simmer.

Split the French bread and spread the garlic butter on it, preheat the oven 350f. get a pot of water boiling add the pasta. put the bread in the oven.

cook and drain the pasta watch the bread till its brown, use broil shortly if you want, its done serve and enjoy.

you can spend as much time as you desire on this dish the short simple version will take you abought 1 hr. + or – always tasty and filling.

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The Great Exscape


Are you a good person, living in a political Shit Hole?

Los Angeles.

San Francisco.



Afraid for your life.

Afraid for your Children’s life.

Are you being over Taxed by your state.

Are you tired of being told what to do.

Want out room to breath?

Well I have the answer for you.

6000, sq. ft. of living space with Double insulated, R-42+ walls. Earth Quake Bracing throughout, 100% hurricane clipped at all joining’s, 2×8 engineered roof trusses, attached to 12″ wide load bearing top plates, everything from the top plate of the 2nd floor down is steel tied to a 8″ thick, formed 4000 psi concrete, basement foundation with a 2’x12″ formed concrete footing.
All at UBC. Or better spec.
7 large Bedrooms.
5 full Bath rooms
2 laundry rooms
2 formal dinning rooms
3 spacious entertainment rooms
A private master suite with a walk-in closet’ full bath and shower, sitting room, and laundry.
Entire project built with easy remodel in mined would make a fantastic B&B
All sitting at the foot of the Wind River Mountains. Your gate to a wilderness paradise.  Wyoming USA.
the entire property is, FOR SALE, by owner, cash or contract,

reasonable offer
If Interested Contact us

PS. Wyoming has no state income tax.

It is the least populated state in the USA.

Full 2nd amendment rights, we have guns and use them.

#If you shit on our sidewalk you may be SHOT.


Boneless beef rib steak

This all started with a request from Bella, on a lazy Saturday bad weather outside, so happy to have a request for something that is oh so tasty but also quick easy and fairly inexpensive.

So here we go, Uruguay grass fed all natural raised boneless prime rib steak.

I simply season with black pepper and fresh minced garlic rub in both sides and let sit while prepping  abought 15 min.

I brown the Rice a Roni beef flavor, I like to heat it unevenly so some is dark brown while other is still tan  and i like it with only 2 cups water not 2  and half.

Now go to simmering it .

I start a cast iron skillet heating with just a splash of high heat oil just a good medium heat for now.

Then start prepping the green salad I like green leaf lettuce.

More vitamins than iceberg and seems to keep longer also, I would use Napa cabbage if I had some but plane green works just fine we really like jicama, a crisp juicy taste that goes well in a salad.

Just tear chop slice put it in a bowl and it’s ready to go.

Now I will set the table and put the steaks in the skillet and turn heat to med high

Cook to desired doneness and serve with a pat of butter and a dash of good steak salt if u want.

Total prep and cook time 45 min. Yummy easy night for the cook.

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