Keeping special things special

We love life, we love to feel life noticing the small things, taking advantage of every opportunity to make it special. We wish everyone could smile a contented smile.

The protection and preservation of things that make us tingle with joy need protecting.

We have plenty callous to protect us from things that wear on our bodies  and brain. Preserve and protect do not overuse stay away from any artificially stimulating or shocking anything especially media.

And don’t overuse naturally occurring special events, you can make the ordinary daily things special by not doing them every day.

Do not expose your self to shocking or disturbing or stimulating exterior anything. Protect your senses.

Start young give them a chance, let them retain there senses. Absolutely protect your children, NO circumcision for boys or girls. This is a crime against humanity perpetuated by religion for control and Doctors to pay there student loans. Stop doing this.

Stop the exposure to modern media of all type’s, do not exspose the brain to repeted shocking content of any type.

It is shocking for a reason it should not become mundane by deadening the senses from repeated exposer.

Killing people is wrong it should be shocking, why watch it until it becomes amusing what a message to imbed into our brain.

Sex is special deeply spiritual and individual it has implications so far beyond normal mental interpretation it should not be orchestrated, staged or displayed, it needs to remain as special as it is.

We developed all of our senses to give us the ability to be self directed, but if we can not feel our inherent intuition enlightenment and understanding.

We then must acquire our direction from outside ourselves. Well and that is the problem.

We need the ability to answer our own questions and, the experiences of special things in our lives, they make our lives individualy special and give us humanity the power to supersede inhumanity.

Conditioning and desensitizing will take affect on every living thing, the more you are exposed to it the less attention and sensory reaction you will have too it.

That is the damaging affect in repetitive anything that is shocking to the senses. It will destroy the sensitive special consciousness that is spirituality, and the energy production and creativity of romantic sexuality. The destruction of the truth of romantic love is the loss of the greatest gift to humanity. Human emotion and intimate self knowledge.

The Desensitizing of people is Leading to the stagnation of there life’s.  It is worth protecting yourself and your relasonship.

Keep special things special.

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The logistics of a trip

It all starts with a longing for something new. What is over the ridge? Into the wild blue, water or sky or anything new.

Meeting people from a million places across the world.

A taste of something exotic and tantalizingly new. Get a piece of paper and a pencil, Wright it down wright everything down from now on. Do it in pencil there will always be changes and updates that is always a part of travel. So get used to it, stay flexible and learn to make this planning part fun.

Start looking at Cruise opportunities  Flights to anywhere, All inclusive resorts, look at travel videos and foody videos get inspired.

Then come up with Prospective dates for beginning and end. Home to back home. Where you would like to go. How you would like to get there. Then wright down the total amount you wish to budget for this trip. Dont worry if you do not have it yet, go ahead plan the trip give it life, give it power,  Let it fall into place. Every great journey starts with but one step. This is the first step, jump in, work towards it. If you want it, it will happen. Save and set yourself up for it. It will happen if you plan for it.

Once you have these things start disassembling the trip into components day1 day2 day #3, destinations, motels, flights, ships, everything your trip entails. Then beak each one of them down wright it all down reserch everything between youtube and Search engines online you can finde everything you need including prices.

Just keep track so you will keep confusion at bay let it develop into a detailed itinerary, after a couple trips you will get good at it and start having fun doing it.

Bella is so good at this and if you ask her specific questions she will share her magic with you ASK

Contact Bella

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Online Dating for marriage




Step by step, online Dating for marriage.

Finding the one meant for you is a treasure that many will never find, or mess it up before love has a chance

The online dating world has opened up the opportunity to access every corner of the world and its people and has lead to many finding that one.

There is no greater gift than love.

We were in love with A dream of finding each other.

So we each went on a search that spanned the globe. We persevered through the let downs and negotiated the on line swamps the catfish and on through the jungle, Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh my. Actually it was Sharks Plenty of Sharks we were separated by 6,000 miles of ocean. But finally we found a safe place. A online site called Cherry Blossom where we found each other.  It was 2010

We are all individuals with different strength’s and weaknesses’ and different levels of understanding.

This will be a love story told from our perspective, formed from our experience’s.

 We Pray that our story may help others in there pursuit of Love.

For the sake of Love.

In a world with no shortage of entities that want to control others.

And to a varying degree people who want or think they need to be controlled.

We are self governing! And do not do well with being told what to do. And take offence very quickly to profiteers in all there forms trying to take advantage for financial gain.

We can first hand understand impoverished individuals trying to better there circumstances. And stand solely on the principals of truth and honesty, when it comes to this very real issue.

We understand need, what we can not accept is chosen untruth by anyone or any entity. Especially when it is the professionaly untruthful exploitation of the emotion of love .

Our advice is take the responsibility of being self reliant.

Take the time to find a non proprietary site. Do not get lured in by pictures and staged profiles.

Do not get attached to someone, where you must pay to communicate. Someone who  is personally hidden from you behind a vale, that you must pay to comunicate and there is no other way.

These types of sites will promise to do all the policing work for you to keep you safe. When really it is they who are the untruthful profiteers, hopeing to get you hooked on love. Then use the fear of heart break and separation to drain your every resource.

You are fully capable of doing this without them if they are in-between you and yours pilfering your money. Just say NO, go elsewhere better yet do not even start down this road.

It will cost you dearly, if you have to answer the question yes you met through a marriage broker.

Step #1

Find a dating site that charges for membership only. Normally the dues are very affordable. They make there profit legitimately through advertisement.

Research as normal online. Take your time and explore the sites before the profiles, there are many sites with differing services.

There are many sites that allow you to be self governing and do not stand in the middle or stop you from progressing to communication or even contact without them.

The key word here is – Self Governing.

You must take responsibility for yourself. Police yourself do what is right, because it is the right thing to do.

These sites normally have some type of legitimacy filters in place to remove known illegitimate entity’s. But you must protect yourself.

If it is too good to be true then it is. If it feels wrong then it is.

Do not fall victim to lies and deceit what you will find is that the money is the least of your loss,  It is the heart break that is the true loss.

#1 See the Video

 Step #2 Finding the one.

We are here to help, ask your questions!

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