Classic Beef Stew


This all begins with a Italian American vegetable farmer, My Grandfather.

As he had plenty to do in teaching his grandson the finner arts of caring for his well manicured garden and orchard.

Knowing it involved plenty of physical labor and time, and that it would lend itself to a needed lunch for a couple of Hungry guys.

Not having a lot of time to spend in the kitchen, he seemed to turn to this hearty, healthy, dish quite often.

It was to my enjoyment, the site and smell of this warm flavorful dish cooking.

It was to be one of the treasured memories of my time spent with this wonderful man. Preparing it for my family and friends is to invite the spirit of grandpa to my kitchen and table.

I share this dish hoping that you can take advantage of its ease of preparation. the basic no fuss ingredients and invitation to a wholesome family dinner.

The Basic Ingredients.

Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Onion, potato.

Cubed Meat.

Brown the meat a little salt and pepper,

Add the other coarsely chopped items I add the cabbage last as it will cook fast.

 Add a couple cups of water and Stew it, covered on a low heat until the veggies are just cooked.

Then turn off and let it sit developing flavor.

1/2 hr, before eating. Add  a couple tablespoons of flour or corn starch mixed with a little cold water and a dissolved bullion cube.

Or a couple pre mixed gravy packets with water to the stew.

Bring it,”under low heat” back to a simmer for a couple minutes and  then serve.

Fresh rolls are a welcome addition to this.

If you have any questions  feel free to

contact us.

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God Bless Grandparents.




Lechon A traditional Philippine cultural, celebratory and most of all delicious/nami whole roast pig/baboy.

It starts with a tenderly cared for suckling piglet, 30- 40 pounds is best, but sometimes they are biger.

Mama feeding, washing, caring for baboy  a week, month or more in advance of THE day.

My observation is baboy knows as THE day approaches, baboy will change demeanor. Start mourning itself. Mama also will mourn for baboy in due spiritual respect.

Early morning pre dawn of “THE” day, in ritualistic fashion. The beginning of the attending men, papa, manong, kuya, 3 or more men start the fires, boiling water, Preparing the roasting spot the pole ect.

THEN! baboy “SCREAMING” in protest is dispatched! by way of the knife- Halal/bleeding, not a drop of blood is wasted.

Mama at this point is drying her tears. Baboy is now, one cup at a time scalded, dehaired, scraped and washed then eviscerated. The entery is from the diaphragm down. Everything inside is kept-cleaned & washed. Cooking of the stomach, intestine, liver & blood begin.

There will be other persons sometimes hired hands, showing up and assuming roles as prepares, cooks guests throughout the day.

The roasting pole is inserted completely skewering the baboy. Then it is attached at center front and rear to the pole with wire. stuffed with lemon grass, green onion, garlic, magic sarap seasoning, sea salt, and soy sauce. Then sewn up and set aside.

Meanwhile market pork is being prepaired into dishes such as Humba, Menudo & Adobo. The intestines, liver and blood cooked in several ways is ritualistcally consumed throught the day into the night as hors’doeures.

For the men it is time, the rum drinking begins! This is a celebration in full swing. Women are preparing all the non meat dishes and deserts. there is excitement in the air.

the fire coals along with bags of charcoal are in place. Baboy is rubed with soy sauce and the roasting begins. the young men take turns turning the pole the experienced keep brushing the natural oils basting as baboy cooks.

The coals are arranged as needed. Aprox 5 hrs + or – baboy will be done. The crisp skin is the delight of the celibration. The sweet tender meat is exotic and full of flavor.

Continue reading “LECHON”

Fresh mountian Trout

  Natural fresh mountain trout is a taste experience that increasingly fewer people are exposed to or even have the opportunity to try. For the lucky that have access to and the good luck to attain it has a wonderful taste that can not be duplicated.

It is shown plated after a simple fry, skinned and deboned, only the non salted butter from the slow fry was used to season the delicate natural flavor.

Needing any details for cooking. – Contact us

If you do not have access to fresh mountain trout and think you would like to try some please take a look at the –

Travel & Trade page.

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