
Food can be and is so exsiting the colors the textures the smells the taste’s hot, cold, soft, crunchy, sweet and sour, American, Italian, Asian, Korean, Mexican, Kitchen, Bbq, Camp fire meals or a mix.

We are family cook’s, at time’s we get stuck in a rut or just need a inspiring plan for what’s next!

That is when we turn to a cook book or a cooking channel or a friend for a idea.

We rarely follow the detail of recipe’s per say, we just get a inspiring idea a direction maybe a spice suggestion.

We find trying to follow exsact recipes hard, and the harder we try the worse it turns out.

We simplify, adjust ingredients do things our way, the best is always simple.

Keep it simple in the pan less salt, then have spice and condement’s availibal for individual taste at the table.

We hope that we can help to inspire other family cooks.

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