Long distance love

see #1

see #2

#3 Long distance love.

The governments of two countries
The people and culture of the Philippines

Long distance love.

First Advice, Listen to yourself make your own decisions based on your experience. Do not make any conclusion based on what you are told by others. With there preconceived, bullshit ideas interfering with your already heightened emotions. You will have enough to do dealing with your own emotions your own thoughts.

Keep it simple, most of all keep it totally truthful in every aspect.

Only experience, real acquired knowledge and your inherent internal messages, will lead to the correct path for you.

please remember Love is nothing without truth.

Every thing I will tell you is only advice not instruction and is derived from my experiences, it is just honest information.

I wish only that others will have a wonderful experience, leading to true love. Long distance dating is intense, it is at the very least an emotional roller coaster.

The emotions heighten as time passes, learn to enjoy the spiritual awakening that it brings. You will need to learn to trust yourself and your feelings.

Bella and I entrusted the quantum principals of entanglement and energy projection. We adjusted our days and nights so that our sleep time and awake time was coordinated. We laid our heads down to sleep at the same universal time. And consciously projected our thoughts and dreams. We projected our wants and needs, we found ourselves occupying each others spiritual space, we became entangled. This is real you do not have to wait to be together it happens at light speed it is a universal truth way beyond the man made laws that most accept as reality. It proved to be very beneficial to our spiritual bonding, come time to meet in person, we already knew each other. No jitters just companions sharing a new experience together.

Long distance love can be so emotionally energizing, spiritually enlightening a wonderful time for exploration, and acquiring knowledge.

Of self, and culture, language, environment, religion all of these things will be key to a successful relationship, in the time to come. Coming from a developed country you will have a culturally imposed character and understanding.

You must open your mind, so you can understand the reality of a completely different culture and the persons from that culture. There values there commitments there obligations Etc.

 A big Issue with foreign husbands of progressive evolved countries is there not understanding her cultural obligation to the Philippine version of Filial piety.

It is in progressive country’s replaced by a sustainable cash income, retirement finances and life insurance.

You must learn to understand and accept, for if ever there is to be happiness for you and your bride.

Understand your obligation of marriage is to the entire family not just the bride.

And your new bride fulfilling her family’s needs will be paramount in her feelings of self worth allowing her to be happy that is the reality.

She will not be subordinate” Not a Filipina, she comes from a culture where the woman is the doer and keeper of the family, She will not rest.

She can and will be the best most loving wife ever, given support and understanding,  give her, her head, let her loose, you will not be disappointed.

She is a product of her culture she derives her feeling of self worth from the betterment of the Philippines, the extended family, her parents and siblings.

If you can not understand this then you are looking in the wrong place.

Odds are you will be dealing with the belief system of the Roman catholic church when dealing with the Philippine government and people. So if you truly want to understand then look in to it and learn, especially the beliefs surrounding marriage and divorce, It is a big deal.

Very possibly you have no real understanding of poverty in under developed country’s like the Philippines.

It is reality, When you are asked to help, and you will be.  Have empathy not suspicion, Give a allowance and understanding it is a matter of necessity. And you can become a supporting member of a new family.

Do not be afraid or misunderstand.

You are being invited in to a new family, just remain truthful to yourself do what you can.

In setting yourself up for the visa process you need to keep record of everything, payments, phone calls, e mails everything, dates and recites, transcripts of e mails & calls.

Get yourself familiarized with the laws of your country as well as there’s. Visas, Immigration, Customs, Travel requirements, language, personal freedoms, property law, the more informed you are the better chance you will have at a long loving happy relationship.

#3 See the video

Any questions, we are here to help just

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Coming soon #4 Visiting the Philippines and dating in the provinces.

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