
Welcome to love

Only that illuminated one who is laughing at the world can make you know of love.

I feel her feelings 

I think her thoughts

I know the innermost secrets of her soul

God sent me to her this I know

 When all the emotions feel like

The trembling calm of a tumbling sea

Then I know she is dreaming of me

I thought love was just a mirage of the mind

Impossible to find

But the day I met you

I began to see

That love is real

And exists in me.

Sexuality can be endlessly empowering, it is alive with the creation of energy – adventuress, explorative.
To see Happiness on your partners face the one you love and understand, You can enhance this Powerful Emotion.
Exploring the depths of your lovers emotion and Expressing your Emotion, in the safety of a understanding, creative, romantic, partnership, is the act of love.
MAKE NO MISTAKE (Lasting love is an accomplishment)
“We can overcome the sickness caused by break up and divorce.
The current condition of romantic relationships, misunderstood emotions, ignorant man made, State sanctioned marriage.
Then professionally scripted, legally encouraged, spiritually abandoned. Financially, personally and socially destructive Divorce.
Couples therapy, statistics and guesses as to the cause of. And the procurement of divorce, represent the treatment of symptoms and engineered professional profits.
The cause is not understanding the (Truth) the Rewards the Benefits and the Importance of Romantic Love.
living without understanding, meaning or direction will lead to Stagnation – – -There has to be more, Why do I feel like I’m missing something? I am supposed to love this person! “I once did” what is wrong with me?  what happened?


Happiness is in truth, not a word but a Emotion.
Emotion is a mental and physical reaction to endorphins, natural drugs, released by our brain.
The release of these NATURAL POWERFUL DRUGS is controlled by both external and internalized stimulus.
The natural drugs/amino acids/endorphins that cause the Emotions we interpret as happiness, also have many beneficial side affects. Such as focus, leading to epiphany, enlightenment and the feeling of Elation, Euphoria, Exhilaration-
-“Our energy soars” our strength increases expediently, creativity kicks in.
Our happiness is now in motion our eyes wide and glowing our body tingles, Wow we have chemistry, a spark, a crush, magic. We become awakened sexually.
We are experiencing exuberant joy. (We call this love)
These particular endorphins/amino acids also tell every cell in our body to go to there original program of rejuvenation and duplication.
Romantic love can lead us to experience what we were meant for.
(The reason for our being alive) is that we Add something to humanity.
Romantic love gives us the energy, creativity and longevity to identify, understand and accomplish our Quest in life. Also we live longer, if we feed our body’s the correct amino acids.
We have more time for love, more time and energy to  be happy, the creative energy to accomplish our contribution to humanity.
We understand, we are not confused, we make a consorted decision, to be a team, partners, working together as one for a common goal.
To experience “Happiness- (The goal of life) and the cultivation, creation of creative energy, to fulfill Our (Reason for life) – To add something to humanity, This is what Romantic love can do too and for us.
(True love is a decision) a commitment.
“Not magic, but instead a love we understand, that we have created together, control and maintain. Something we share and care for dearly, it is our life our love a true path to lasting happiness.
Understanding the truth of love, opens the door for us, to a love that will never die. It Can Reach Beyond Worldly Boundaries. Eternal Soul mates, forever becoming stronger and more rewarding, for lovers who, Understand! and as a team “Take command, Responsibility for there love.
For a Woman, she needs to partner with her Hero.
When a woman is proud and secure with her sexuality, because she understands, That She, Is In Control of her (God given creative power) When she looks to her chosen man, when she is proud to stand with her man, She is Happy, romantically wanting to give and receive love.
For the man to feel proud, Happy, full of energy and creativity, wanting more of her love. Willing to do anything for her, feeling romantically, sexual towards this Woman, who controls this empowering emotion of His, Wanting her love.

(Woman have the Power to Create with there love)
This is how it works – – –
The Queen has a Man, she creates a King.
She tells her man she wants him, that he is strong and powerful. He becomes, confident, strong and internally powerful.
She tells him he is a good king and he becomes her good King.
She tells him, he is the greatest lover, he becomes that lover.
The look in his eyes, confident, Amorous, (Wanting) Unstoppable, powerful, overflowing with energy and creativity, exuding positive energy.
The wise Queen understands, and keeps control and refines the art of Her, Energy producing, Extremely powerful, mental and physical, Sexual prowess. To be used mercifully, yet sparingly as the most valuable and desirable commodity there is.
Her Knowledge of her Creative power of feminine sexuality.  Her knowledgeable Sexual creativity is so desirable to him. He is breathless with anticipation.
The production of natural energy and spiritual enlightenment are by-products of this physical process.
The Queen has control of the valve that fills them with the endorphins they need, anything or anyone they touch is animated with there energy.
There creativity and contribution is so admirable.
She is in love with her hero (Her Creation)
He is in love with his Queen. The source of his greatest desire.
There’s is a love that reverberates across the entire universe the Queen has created her Hero a contribution to humanity.
A Woman’s sexuality is the most powerful, energy producing source in the physical and spiritual world, it has been systematically doused and denied,  hidden and is now, the least understood and appreciated source of positive energy for humanity on earth. Follow along as we reveal more hidden secrets. 

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