
Welcome to life

Hello I am Brett from

The reason I am here is that I believe the meaning of life is to add something to humanity, that is you me and everyone else.

I am going to try to help others be as happy as I am.

I know that the goal of life is to be happy and there can be no lasting happiness without peace of mind.

To have piece of mind in today’s world it must start with financial security and independence .

My call to action is seeing the vast majority of advisers and so called instructors leading and following a road to nowhere.

If you do not cure the disease the symptoms will return the methods and fixes I see and hear. Well it is a recipe that will trap you in financial chaos forever. It is information that sounds attractive but is a deception a veil hiding the truth.

Unconsciousness of wrongness is the prison cell, consciousness of wrongness is the key to freedom.

The only path is in truth, black and white reality. Do not look to get out but instead look to understand and get in.

  My friends, motivation is everything and my happiness has motivated me to share with you.

The motivation of having financial security is a major step in experiencing the peace of mind you must have to experience emotional happiness.

There are plenty out there that are leading themselves and others down a road of complication, with promises of secret recipes of escaping your financial obligations but it is a deceptive lie. At best it will bring a temporary cessation of symptoms the disease will remain. You will be trapped in a never ending prison of financial insecurity and confusion.

What I will show is lasting fully protective financial method of practice. To achieve lasting financial clarity and security for piece of mind in the pursuit of unhindered happiness.

Life is only real when you are being real with your life.

The simplicity of truth and the truth of simplicity is the answer.

I believe that most people are good, but the modern way of life, the complicity, causing loss of focus and understanding, the online hands off methods, Have most lost and confused, hiding from there finances, incapable of knowing exactly where they are.

I will show how to simplify. A hands on way of understanding fully your finances. So you can take control.

I am going to do this because I care and I hope it will add to my contributions to humanity, my accepted obligation, and the continued meaning of my life.

see intro video

What a 800+ credit score, Get it and Keep it.

What it will do for you.

It is a statement of character, the habit of doing what you say you will do the fact that you keep your promise, you are a man/woman of your word, your handshake is better than most people’s signed check. That score up there is mine and my word is as good as gold.


Anyone and everyone in the world of finances will recognize the meaning of that score and will give you the respect you are due.

When the bank president says you have a higher score than his. Rest assured you will have the leverage you need for anything financial.

Everyone else who knows you, already knows you are good for your word, and I am quite shure you already have the respect you have earned. You do not get the exceptional  scores without these traits. You are doing the right things because it is the right thing to do.


It is a vehicle to free money it will enable you to access money at low to 0% interest rates. And any time you can use someone else’s money at low to 0% you can easily make money from that money. That is one fact of big income, you make money using money.


You can qualify, “at will” for any credit and credit can benefit you in many ways. There are credit cards that will pay you substantial amounts just to use them.

I have seen 600, 700 $ and more just to use a card for charges you are going to pay anyway. Ever hear you need money to make money? Well a 800 credit score will give you accesses to the money you need and the fact you have that score says you will know what to do with the money. You also get accesses to perks that makes life better and easier for you.

Access to lounges, step into the priority lines, upgrades to a better room, travel perks that are worth money for free.

You will feel good have piece of mind you might live a little longer without  the stress of collection  letters.


The path to attaining the score will teach you what you need to know about finances and financiers. So you can manage your money.  How money works and how to get and keep more of it.

Now this is just the beginnings of the story.

 I promise it is all true. 

Step by step how to get and keep a Excellent credit score.


forward to 800 #2





Best Investment Ever


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