Taco Salad

This one is too easy,

Tacos and burritos are totally flexible, they can be as complicated or simple as you choose, this is a dish that is super easy, super tasty and cheap.

Basic ingredients Chips, salsa, chopped meat, onion,tomato, lettuce, red and black pepper, shredded cheese.

The meat and the cheese are totally flexible use whatever you want.

pre heat oven 350f

Brown meat with chopped onion pepper to your taste.

Spread chips on a baking sheet.

Add some salsa to meat after cooked just enough to give it some moisture.

Chop the tomato and lettuce, you can add anything you want.

Put the chips in oven just brown and crispy

Plate the Browned chips, top with meat and cheese, then layer the rest of salad items lettuce on the top, then whatever you want Salad dressing or salsa or Tabasco or all.

Total prep and cook 1/2 hr.

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