800+credit score get it and keep it #6

The Recap of get a 800+ credit score Get it and keep it.

I feel that online and plastic everything has separated us from reality, life has become plastic, we are losing the feel, the reality.

There is just a certain understanding that comes from  a physical hands on relationship with anything. A connection that comes from using all 5 senses and the spiritual facilitation that our hands on hard work adds.

Obtaining financial independence and security is hard work especially if we have developed bad habits, the further we have traveled down the wrong road the harder the work is going to be.

But if ever we are to achieve the piece of mind the independence and self governance we need to be free to experience a lasting Happiness. We will have to do the work.

Please don’t be afraid one step at a time will get us there, and we can take one more step together.

On the path to this, I want you to reinstate the paper bills that come in the mail, the complete statement of every account you have, you need them, a new and complete statement current each month.

Like it or not these are your financial promises and the detailed information contained in them is important.

So get a copy of every bill you owe, if it is a personal debt then make a hand Written  statement of it.

Once they are all together separate them in order of due date, 1’st thru 15’th then 15’th thru 30’th.

Now get a blank piece of paper of your choice, I use plain copy paper, you use what works for you.

Now create a monthly payment ledger, list every bill in order of due date, each entry will include who to, how much, and  date due.

Our objective is to get ahead of our bills at least 15 days. Paying the bills due the 15’th thru 30’th this month, on the 1’st this month. The bills due the 1’st next month pay on the 15’th this month.

This ledger folded in half will make a pocket to keep all the bills the paid ones out of there envelope and the unpaid turned up in there envelope, receipt, check copies and any other pertinent paper records.

We want to be ahead of our bills not behind, we have to stop any additional charges, late fees etc.

As these bills are  paid each month, check them off with notation of how they were paid and when. check # electronic payment confirmation # etc.

Create the next months ledger using last months ledger, updated for the new month.

At the end of the month you should have a complete record of the financial activity for the month store it for anytime research at the end of the year for tax time records.

Mine fit nicely in small cardboard boxes with the complete tax records including a printed copy of the 1040 and all schedules. A physical record of the entire years financial activities for records archiving.

Now on another piece of paper start a ledger of the account you are going to use to pay these bills.

Start the ledger with a known Balance.

If you have more than one payment account I suggest you consolidate to one payment account for simplicity, in simplicity is the power we need to succeed.

If you have more than one account savings, trading etc. you will need other ledger’s to track them, you need to track and record everything.

I suggest if you have other accounts, that you create  handwritten ledger’s to track them, it makes you powerful when you Know exactly where you stand.

Run the payment account ledger as a deposit and debit record, each entry should have notation of date who to and check or  payment confirmation numbers.

For deposits note the date, have a recite and a notation of where it was derived from.

At the end of every debit or deposit session do the math and record a known balance with notation of date.

We are trying to get at least a $1000. dollar buffer in the account so when the balance shows 0 we have $1000. in the account. At the end of the month use last months ledger to create the next month ledger.

On a third piece of paper list all your debts in order of highest Apr.% interest first.

This is going to be a Hit list, we are going to apply any extra money to the first entry on this list until it is gone then the next. One at a time we will eliminate them.

Do not make any new promises until this list is history RIP.

Also this is a list that we can use to keep track of any ongoing negotiation we have with these creditors or collectors record every conversation Name of contact, agreement, date etc.. it is all important make a record.

Do not ignore or hide from these people, communicate with them.

They have no choice but to work with you, if you contact them.

If it is in collections they will settle for less than you owe, if you have a lump sum.

My advice is negotiate with truth it is a powerful tool, be truthful to yourself and them.

Do what you can do when you can do it.

If you must make a new promise to them, Make it open ended, example: At this time, this is what I can do. Then do that, Keep your promise, if something changes on your end then contact them ahead of time they will work with you.

Please do not do anything that promises you to more debt, including middle men. Do this yourself.


Now get all the scratch paper you need and a calculator and start doing the math how much money you have, how much you will have,  how much the bills are, what is the total  2+2 = 4,  make a plan.

Put it where you can see it look at it every day .

It is a budget, manipulate it make changes as needed, pray with this plan.

The more focus you apply to this plan the more life you will give to it that is a fact. It will become a reality.

Contact who you need to contact to make arrangements so your plan will work, stay flexible and open to change, stay in contact with your creditors, face this head on, hands on and you will succeed.

Credit scores they are so complicated,

Bull shit, it is simple.

Hello- Pay as agreed and your score will be truthful and good. When you keep your promise it is simple as a true story is to tell.

What is a complicated nightmare is to watch as the masses fall willingly into the trap of complication and confusion. Watch as they jump for joy, yahay close my eyes wiggle my nose tap my toes and magically, — WAKE UP the only magic is not magic, PAY AS AGREED. KEEP YOUR PROMISE.



I SEE AND HEAR THE TALKING HEADS, ELIMINATE THE CURRENT CREDIT SCORING SYSTEM AND THE BUSINESS ENTITIES THAT ISSUE THE SCORE. and so they are all Yacking, jabber, jabber, jabber about all the changes. And the nightmare continues, The celebration of government magic.

And since when has government anything simplified or lastinly helped,    Wrong. The truth, simply understand that your score will be derived from the same as it is now, plus the use of everything you do privately. And your score will be issued by a government bureaucratic agency worst  than the IRS. That keeps record of your every movement, Political affiliation, personal debts, shopping habits, investing habits, bank accounts etc. etc. etc.

You will use your new government issued score with or as your ID not only to apply for a loan or card but to apply to where you can buy your groceries witch doctor or hospital you can use.

No more will you just buy anything you soon will apply to acquire everything you want or need your approval to acquire anything will be decided by your government issued score.

You will use your new score to apply to buy your newest tracking device, I mean your new phone. You will use your new score to apply for a permit to travel to a neighboring state to see your relatives.

your new score will decide where you vote what class of person you are what you can and cannot do. the score oh the score, derived from everything it is now plus your political affiliation the political demographic of where you live what your investment choices are.

Nothing you do or say will be private it will be compiled in to your score this new government agency will know everything about you and assign you a score based on that.

Remember for me the story of the pied piper leading all the city rats to there death.

So now jump up and down celebrating. line up for your next government stimulating, population controlling hand out  the government issues the score and another check that is payment that gives them the right to eliminate your freedom.

If you have questions for me, if we can help, please use the comments or contact us, we wish everyone happiness bye bye for now see you back here soon.

watch the video – coming soon

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800 credit score #5

Hello I am Brett from
BRETBEL.COM   and this is
How to get a 800+ credit score.

Get it and keep it. #5

To get a 800+ score – You must Keep track, know exactly where you are always, every balance every due date and keep every promise.

A great credit score is one thing, To keep it is another.


Getting the score, it is really not about  money, what it is about is developing a character that is true to yourself and when you do what is right then you think well of yourself  and when you think well of yourself happiness is at hand.

you see – The goal of life is Happiness.

It gives you confidence the strength, energy and power to govern yourself.

To overcome the inevitable adversarial occurrences and recognise  opportunities presented in life. You become financially independent. That means that you are in control of the direction of your life.

There is so much in this world that if you simply set yourself up for success, point yourself in the right direction it will happen.

Don’t complicate it, just do what is correct understand your obligations and keep every promise.

One year has gone by, if you have followed and payed every bill on time kept your promise there will be a noticeable difference in your life you now can understand clearly where you are at and how to get where you want to be.

  Now! What investment will do for you.

When you are investing you are using your money instead of wasting it.

Develop the habit of keeping your money, become frugal about spending, wasting money is a bad habit.

Every transaction needs to be mentally categorized and justified is it a liability or asset, cost or gain an investment or a waste.

Keep track eliminate the question of where did it go.

Become a money hack figure ways to keep your money instead of spending it.

When you are investing you are putting yourself in a position to learn about what you are doing.

I suggest you dive in head first, the education you get from hands on investing will benefit your life in so many ways I could not begin to list them all, start small just do it.

There are endless resources public library, online and elsewhere just start researching, reading on any financial subject’s that come to mind, it will lead to exciting places soon your creativity will kick in, you will begin to form ideas and questions? seek the answers, play out the scenarios of your ideas. Just do it  jump in you will find excitement and reward.

All I ask is do not do anything that is not because of your own informed decision, don’t do it because of anyone else.

Do it from your own informed intuition.

learn to make  informed decisions for yourself and how to act on them, and remember: to take a small jump and fall, is a step forward, pay attention, pick yourself up, don’t be afraid it’s how we learn, educate yourself and you will  learn to trust yourself.

You will get out of life exactly what you put into it.

There are a few no brainers for investment opportunity, there are places you can put your money while you figure it out. And in figuring it out I can tell you that Long term is truth. Short term investing is not the way to stability or piece of mind.

MIND SET, please don’t get lost or mislead, this is not about making a bunch of money, this is about a path to happiness / piece of mind, financial independence,  self governance and freedom.

History has stories to tell and one story  is GOLD, PHYSICAL GOLD.

Get a understanding of the current price,   look at –

cash for gold calculator .com

Then go buy some, it is a historical hedge against everything bad. Soon I will do a video on just Gold. Till then there is plenty info out there for free. The only way you can go wrong with gold is to pay way too much for it, that being said it never goes away it will last forever. It is a no brainer get todays price then go shop for some gold, pawn shops, store clearance, coin stores, estate sales, thrift stores, if you have some money see the gold dealers like Kitco  Have fun.

Your payment history is important, it matters , So keep paying on time.

Never hide from your creditors stay ahead of it, if there is a problem coming up contact them I promise they will work with you.

Another no brainer is Real estate, make a informed decision, don’t buy garbage find something structurally sound then do it.

There is no better time to take advantage of low interest money than now,  just figure how much you can afford for a mortgage payment and get it done, it is a no brainer with interest at 2 to 3 % there is a fortune to be had  buy something you can rent out do it now if you can.

IRA’s – 401’s  any retirement accounts, I say at this time in history only a HSA investment account has any security at all.

Setting yourself up to trust and rely on the parasitic nature of Government and or Bankers or Brokers, is a recipe for servitude and poverty  that is another history lesson.

Investing of your own accord is correct, letting someone else make your decisions is wrong, The only profit worthwhile is self growth.

Do not be afraid to learn about investing, The information you need to educate yourself is plentiful and free, read, read, read and understand for yourself. Interact with the investment world and always make your own decision never relinquish control Be self governing.

leave me a comment or any questions.

The Original question  – What will investment do for you?

Answer – It will secure your Future, Apply yourself to it and experience the reward.

see – Best investments

I wish you all the best, Do not be afraid, Jump in.

Smile be happy and I will see you soon.

Watch the video-  800 Credit score get it and keep it #5

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how to a 800 credit score get it and keep it #3

See #2

As I see It

How to a 800 credit score get it and keep it. #3
Lets continue – You should now have a complete set of your Debts in paper statement form. They will contain all the information you need to make informed decisions.

 Control your finances hands on.
So get another piece of paper and list all of your debts, in order of highest interest first.

A-B-C- 1-2-3

Now If you are carrying credit card or revolving debt beyond 30 days.

“Stop doing that.”

If you can not pay your credit card in full each billing cycle then stop over using them, you are spending beyond your means.

When you can pay your cards in full every billing cycle. Then look to your long term loans.

Which ever one has the highest APR/ interest rate is top of the hit list.

Start applying every extra dollar to that loan. When it is gone do it to the next and the next and so on.

Paying your credit cards in full every billing cycle will, better your credit and keep your money working for you.

Paying interest is generally a waste of your money.

On another blog at another time we will talk about how to use low interest money to your benefit.

When you are in front of your debts, paying in full, on time every time. You will start getting low interest offers from your creditors.

That is a signal to apply for a credit line increase one card at a time.

The next big factor on the fico score model is your credit usage.

It is a % figure of your available credit vs. how much credit you are using.

The more credit you have but the less you use the better you score.

The newest factoring in the fico model / algorithm is.

It evaluates over all are you acquiring more debt or Less debt.

Your job is to increase your credit line while reducing your indebtedness.

So this is where we are

#1 – pay on time every time.

  #2 – Stop over spending and reduce the money drain.

#3 – increase the credit available while reducing the % of debt.

See the

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how to a 800 credit score get it and keep it #2


See #1

How to a 800 credit score get it and keep it. #2
Lets start simply They say that your payment history is 35% of your score .

That is only true if you have a good score if you have unpaid accounts or collection because you did not pay as promised, then it will stop you 100% from achieving a 800 score.
#1 You have got to get it in your head that a debt is a promise, that you made and you have got to keep your promise, there is no escape ever.

You do not want an escape.

This keeping your promises, affects your entire life, your state of being and your identification of your self worth.

(He who promises Runs in debt)

Do not listen to any one, telling you it will be gone in 7 years.

Bull shit, it will only go away if you settle the debt and then, it will go away 7 years later.

If you do not settle the debt, they will resale your debt time after time and chase you and screw your life and peace of mind and credit forever.

Just stop any thought of escaping your responsibility. You have got to keep your word job #1.

A debt is a promise you have made, and every promise is a debt of some type. Your un kept promises will bleed you dry.

Your word, your signature, your handshake, your promise, may be cosmetically overlooked by your wife your kids your friends, your self.

But the financial world will not overlook it.

There is only one way, You must Keep your promise.

If you are ready to accept your responsibility then follow along with me.

If you are still looking for a escape, I can not help you do not waste your time here.

First lets get a clear hands on understanding of the financial promises you have made.

Cancel all paperless billing, reinstate the actual paper bills that come in the mail box.

(Life is only as real as you are) Life is better lived hands on.

No more abstract financial anything, you will physically hold your finical life in your hands.

Feel it, become one with it. You will learn your debts and creditors so well that you can see them in your sleep feel them in your gut, you will learn they are your best friends. you will see your finances as a clear road map to financial freedom.

We can easily research for any and all information we need any time we need it.

Now we are going to Create a set of hand written ledgers title them accounts payable and payment account or whatever makes sense to you. Pieces of paper that will be written by your hand and held in your hand.

Now collect a full set of your bills everything you owe, get them in your hand.

On the first ledger list every bill you have.  list the bills by date due.  1st – 15th then 15th thru 30th include all of your bills.

Now get another piece of paper and create a ledger for the account you use to pay your debts. If you have more than one then consolidate to one, understand that (simplicity is power) and you need that power to achieve what we are after.

Now get a known current balance put it at the top  as first entry Balance forward. Now run the ledger as deposit and debit each entry will have notation of check#, if it was a check or a notation and recite for cash withdrawals, or deposits and a notation for each debit or electronic payment  who it was paid to and any other important info.

After each session of debit’s or deposit to the account do the math, record your current balance with a notation of date.

Note for each deposit where it was derived from. Carry a minimum of 1000$ buffer in the payment account.  When the ledger shows a 0.00 bal. you have $1000. In the account.

On the accounts payable ledger your goal is to pay 15+ days in advance so the set of bills due 15th – 30th current month are paid on the 1st – 15th. bills due 1st – 15th following month are payed 15th – 30th current month. I sit down at my desk twice a month to pay bills, on the 1st and 15th. Every payment that is made will have a notation of check # or conformation #

now these ledgers folded in half, will create a pocket to hold all the paper bills.  The Paid bills out of there envelope, and unpaid bills turned up in the envelope also recites, check copy’s bank statements Etc. I use a large paper clasp to keep it all together. At the end of the month you have a sweet little package of records for that months financial activity.

Create new ledgers using last months ledgers updated for the next month.  Put the last months completed ledger package in storage for any time referral and tax time.

Now just do this.

You have created a hands on relationship with your financial obligations. And a way of understanding and paying your bills on time every time.

Just do this one thing for now.

Pay on time every time.

Next time video #3 we will work on prioritizing witch bills we pay down and why & increasing the credit limits and why.

If you will start paying your bills on time every time you are on your way to a 800 score.

Keep your ledgers up to date so you know exactly where you are at all times. Fondle your bills and ledger get very personal with them.

Just do this one thing get rely good at it.

Be happy you are on your way.

See you next time.

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