Tangy Italian style spaghetti

This all started in my childhood, growing up eating my grandmothers cooking. Every holiday and on every occasion anyone could think of. We were all at grandmas for the day, Her mainstays were Italian spaghetti, rosemary chicken, and a green salad. Her spaghetti was famous, her version would take all day in the kitchen, she started with fresh tomato’s. Well times have changed and so have I. But still trying to cook with love I use some of her basic guidelines,  just a quicker less time consuming version, I’m Shure she understands.

Basic ingredients. Beef roast, pasta, carrot, spaghetti sauce, French bread, butter, garlic, allspice, teaspoon sugar & ground parmesan cheese.

crush and mince garlic to taste mix with butter & parmesan cheese set aside.

Chop the beef into pretty small cubes I used a cross rib roast this time

Start the meat browning with a little olive oil.

start simmering the sauce with chopped garlic & carrot, teaspoon sugar, & a shake of allspice. NO ONION.

Brown the meat well, brown color is flavor, then add to sauce and simmer.

Split the French bread and spread the garlic butter on it, preheat the oven 350f. get a pot of water boiling add the pasta. put the bread in the oven.

cook and drain the pasta watch the bread till its brown, use broil shortly if you want, its done serve and enjoy.

you can spend as much time as you desire on this dish the short simple version will take you abought 1 hr. + or – always tasty and filling.

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