THE 747 FLU.

Inside Airports and Airliners is a exceptionally well suited environment for the transmission of Viruses and all other contact related sicknesses.
Wear a mask, wash wash wash your hands keep your hands to yourself and your coughs and sneezes contained.

We keep anti bacterial masks and gloves, glasses and wipes with us at all times while traveling and we use them, to protect you as well as us.

It is the right thing to do.

My first ever Airline flights were 20+ HR. international flights involving multiple Airports and Airliners, That was when the iconic 747-400 was still a main stay for the Delta fleet.

I loved the Aircraft thought it was sexy and graceful from the outside and powerful and comfortable on the inside, it took me back and forth to exciting places in comfort and safety.

It seemed that as my travel experiences increased and the accumulated record of those experiences came to a statistical fact.

 That Respiratory Illnesses were undeniably not just coincidentally tied to my Air travel.

After predicting the need and even planning a respite, for when we arrived at our next vacation spot. Sure enough there it was, the sneeze the fever the developing cough.

Bella and I at that time, locked up in the motel room, while at a ocean side vacation spot. Coined the personal to us, identifying term the 747 flu.

We have since Implemented precautionary measures to all of our travel activities, To avoid the punishing effects of respiratory illnesses. And to some degree it has seemingly for the most part worked.

 I am feeling that you can not be to diligent when it comes to protecting yourself.

When you will be potentially exposed to illness in such crowded, recirculated, stressful environments as Airports, Airliners, Cruise ports and Cruise ships, public transportation, shuttles, Taxis, motels anywhere others are or have been.

Recently I dropped my guard thinking a quick 1 hr. domestic flight would not be a big deal. But sure enough the sound of other passengers sniffling and sneezing I hear a cough!

Oh no I tried my best keeping my hands to myself using hand sanitizer and a handkerchief to cover my nose and mouth.

To no avail, two days latter I come down with a cold probably a common rhino virus.

I lived thought it again, “But never again will I go unprotected” I am writing this hoping to ALERT others of the possibility of protecting yourself or stopping the spread to others.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your Flight.

See the Video

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Finding the One


See  step #1

Step #-2

Finding the one meant for you.
It seemed like a roller coaster that started here and ended there. Fact is that the ups and downs, the butterflies all the stirring emotions the seemingly sure feelings of impending death. Gave way to a somewhat experienced view of this world of online dating, “What a ride.” I had my eyes open and was paying attention. Make no mistake, in fact you don’t have too, because I have made them all.

I was looking for a wife
That was a mistake.
Let me explain.

It is a noble and worthy quest! But the completely wrong mindset to have.
And very dangerous in the online dating world.

(If you seek you will find.)
And that is true for both sides of this ” dating thing” online. “They” are looking! and “They” will find you.

There is no shortage of everything you can call it- scam, scammers, catfish, liars, cheaters and thief’s. They come with every degree of experience and professionalism, on to just the confused and needy, choosing the untruth as a vehicle out of there circumstances.

The latter of which we will spend some time discussing because they are mostly just desperate and mistakenly mislead not truly ill in intent.
The former we will not spend a lot of time discussing because they have already spent the time and they are good at what they do but recognizable to us.

They understand human nature, emotion and need, they will take advantage and exploit you, Take your money and ruthlessly, callously break your heart and worse, is they will destroy your ability to trust even yourself.

Be aware, look for there tools, First the profile picture, it is a lure they are fishing, Don’t bite.

Look for something real not staged and made up.  naughty, naughty you cant have the centerfold, they are not real.

Second tool they use is tell you exactly what you want to hear, this is not a dream wake up!

A real person will not give themselves away immediately, real people are conservative out of necessity it is instinct to shield yourself it is a natural occurrence.

My findings are that here in the USA. We are itchy and forward, compared to the rest of the world.

The people from far away are modest and humble, only the untruthful will throw themselves at you.

Do not fall for promises that will not be kept.

If it is Real it will not feel hurried or, present as a burden to you. “Real people do not exploit themselves.“ Do not fall for cam girls or boys just say nope.

Back to the mindset,- They will use the emotions and short sightedness of the emotions involved in looking for a wife / husband to deceive you.

A Correct mindset is – looking for commonality in activity and interest, be real with yourself. You only know what you come from, and if you have not studied the country and culture of a person you cannot pretend to understand that person.

So this is a good starting point for new friends; a partnership of sharing and acquiring knowledge of a new person, people, country, language, customs, religious beliefs, traditions, events Ect.

Remember this needs to be going in both directions. If it is real, you will be interested in them and they will be just as interested in you.

A health new friendship will be a curious and willing and patient and  have a want of understanding.

Willing to speak of the detail of every subject, it will be fun and exciting. Compatible personality will evoke creativity, it will find a way to communicate.

Truth is enduring and powerful it always wins, in its simplicity, “Truth is simply truth,” its comfortable and productive it feels relaxing and it has a feeling learn to recognize it.

There are many different cultures around the world and they differ greatly, most of them are fashioned somewhat by the predominant religion of the country it will have a reputation, and the character of the people from that culture will also have identifiable traits. You can find this info through casual study.
The importance in understanding culture is to have a chance of understanding the internalized values of a person coming from that culture.

How do they derive there sense of self worth, what does there culture recognize as success? what is recognized as a good man or woman in that culture? what are the cultural demands put upon people, from that culture? What does there culture say they owe to there family? there community? there god? there husband or wife?

You need to understand these things to understand a person. Taking the time to ask and seek the answers is an act of love and caring.

“You will get out of this what you put into it”.

The understanding of the different cultures may be the best direction finder to start your journey toward the one you seek.  For example, generally speaking,  a Asian will always be dedicated to there filial duty first.

Arab woman will be solely dedicated to there Husband.

Americans may have dedications of paternal or maternal or themselves there individual religious belief but always over shadowed by a culture of divorce for profit. Ask yourself the question what do I want.

Answer that question then go find, “That.”

When you find a friend, and you will, you need to be from the very beginning, and continue to integrate it “honesty” into every detail of the developing relationship. Or you will sabotage yourself, “ beware” you are your own worst enemy, be absolutely truthful to yourself, and let that be what manifests its self to your online personality.

Truth is everything, “There can be no love without truth.”

Now we are going to start narrowing this discussion down to my personal journey. First Russia, a costly experience, what a naïve, virgin target I was. A easy mark, but not a fool and learning quickly.

I was paying attention and the first conclusion I came to was. There are beautiful people everywhere in the world and it will stir your emotions.

On to Ukraine, I am starting to get suspicious of these polished professional, expensive Dating sites, that promise everything. Let me say a bought Ukraine, if you think you are being scammed it is easy to get answers. You can hire a private investigator online in Ukraine for a relatively low fee, that will answer your questions, all you need is the basic info, Who and where of your subject. Makes me feel that these people are marked, and have no governmental rights to privacy.

On to China, Let me reaffirm. “If you seek you will find” be careful what you ask for.

There is a male to female ratio: out of balance in china, Chinese woman are in no need of more men seeking there attention, be aware of the fact that if one seems forward or needy, It Is Not True.

South Africa, we are now in a place, that for me will be the first time I have truly experienced the wide spread poverty that is so prominent throughout the world.

And to experience as a compassionate man, the very real needs and plight of the people in these circumstances. There options are very limited and easily understood with any empathy in the mind of the one viewing it.

Let me say simply my reaction to there using me to better there circumstances.

If you lie to me you get $20. dollars if you are truthful with me you get $200. Dollars. This is truly the first time I am able to come eye to eye with myself and my emotion of empathy for fellow human beings of this world.

I needed this in preparation for the rest of my life and possibly what is beyond this mess we call the world that humankind has created.

What I can say is pay attention, every lesson is worth learning.

When trying to decipher info. On direction, the best source is yourself.

That is a reason for educating yourself, there is no shortage of information to be had. Including my input, what I suggest is that you dive in head first, expose yourself unbiased to as much info. From every direction and stance.

And then stand back objectively and try to see the middle, find the commonality of it all and draw your conclusion from that.

Remembering that you, DO Not Wright Anything In Stone, stay open minded continue to learn and trust yourself.

On to the Philippines, I now know that these polished Dating sites/ marriage brokers are guilty of doing to you, exactly what they profess they are protecting you from. I just need proof and conformation to be able to document it.

Still tripping and stumbling around, I fall flat on my face. My money is gone, My heart is broken and worst. I have lost faith in humanity and myself. I feel embarrassed, used and abused, unsure of the road ahead, the fact is. I am alone and afraid and seemingly only a shell of the man I thought I was.

I don’t want this, I am not a nice person at this point. I am fighting back by being angry. I am starting to think maybe being alone is not so bad and that, to me is scary.

I was always in love with the idea of being with my sole mate forever and that now seems to be escaping me.
Somehow in the darkness, quietly in shallow light in a very soft way.

Maybe my desperation and grieving for love, I have called out to the universe. Possibly by the grace of God. Amazing Grace.
I am found by an Angel.
Enter my soft caring, beautiful Filipina.

True to a real relationship and fortunately in the right place at the right time. I have found a friend, someone who not only wants to understand me and my wounds, but also needs my understanding for the wounds and burdens she bears.

We provide and mutually benefit from the informative friendship we are developing. I have problems she has problems, and we become partners and team mates to solve these things. It turns in to, “We are best friends” and good at solving the many issues we have.

We find commonality in goals, and common understanding of views of spiritual conclusion. And suddenly! we realize, We have fallen in love .

Well that is the story I have to tell of finding the one meant for me.

I pray for love in this world and hope, I can assist in others finding, The one meant for them

#2 See the video

 step #3

long Distance love and the beginning of understanding the government’s of two countries and the people and culture of the Philippines.

Set yourself up for success follow us.

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Classic Beef Stew


This all begins with a Italian American vegetable farmer, My Grandfather.

As he had plenty to do in teaching his grandson the finner arts of caring for his well manicured garden and orchard.

Knowing it involved plenty of physical labor and time, and that it would lend itself to a needed lunch for a couple of Hungry guys.

Not having a lot of time to spend in the kitchen, he seemed to turn to this hearty, healthy, dish quite often.

It was to my enjoyment, the site and smell of this warm flavorful dish cooking.

It was to be one of the treasured memories of my time spent with this wonderful man. Preparing it for my family and friends is to invite the spirit of grandpa to my kitchen and table.

I share this dish hoping that you can take advantage of its ease of preparation. the basic no fuss ingredients and invitation to a wholesome family dinner.

The Basic Ingredients.

Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Onion, potato.

Cubed Meat.

Brown the meat a little salt and pepper,

Add the other coarsely chopped items I add the cabbage last as it will cook fast.

 Add a couple cups of water and Stew it, covered on a low heat until the veggies are just cooked.

Then turn off and let it sit developing flavor.

1/2 hr, before eating. Add  a couple tablespoons of flour or corn starch mixed with a little cold water and a dissolved bullion cube.

Or a couple pre mixed gravy packets with water to the stew.

Bring it,”under low heat” back to a simmer for a couple minutes and  then serve.

Fresh rolls are a welcome addition to this.

If you have any questions  feel free to

contact us.

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God Bless Grandparents.


Colorado Springs Colorado

Cave of the winds beautiful little drive up to this place let us see what all the Buzz is abought.

Plenty parking seems to be plenty outside to do for the active, and a zip line and a drop looks like fun.

Plenty to do inside too, there is a gift store a small hot lunch counter, and a great little history museum. It all gives way to the tera dactyl  drop ride, the zip line and the cave entrance. There is a nice area to sit for lunch and a balcony that overlooks the canyon that the museum just told us the history of. Breath taking Dizzying heights.

They give us a tour guide, she is very informative takes a small group of us and here we go.

Nice little walk / hike through the cave, very interesting history its cool place can not imagen anyone not enjoying this.

Next its Garden of the Gods

Spectacular nature is so creative it is so scenic you could spend a day here on the hiking trails, plenty photo opportunity and wildlife.

The visitors center is a big place has a theater a history museum a gift shop and a balcony that overlooks the park nice very nice.

Next is Seven Falls I have heard this place is super fantastic, little finagling with the parking. A shuttle will pick u up from a designated parking lot couple miles away and take you to the sensitive natural wonders.


Oh my back to nature here, it is a spectacular wonderful hike up the canyon.

Good roadway for hiking and handicap no problem they have periodic shuttle wagons its pretty,  its cool and there are concession stands.

Up top there is a couple gift shops

some treats and a small restaurant and elevator to get to a fantastic overlook and of course the main attraction seven falls

A set of stairs that u can take to the top of the falls great place for all to see from above.

This is a full day of fun.

Next is Miramont Castle a historic home

It is set up as a museum self tour.

The history is this place can be felt as well as seen. There is a art gallery a tea/lunch shop and a gift shop.

Another attraction full of history,  this site is a Must see.

Next the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame Are you a cowboy? are you fascinated with the Rodeo? the animals the cowboys the stock providers,  If so this place will satisfy your craving for the history and hands on, relics of the sport of rodeo Fantastic easily a days worth of admiring the displays in this place.

There are many more

things to do here, plenty of shopping and dinning opportunity, we really enjoyed ourselves here, we will be back, by by for now wonderful Colorado springs.

Back to see the USA.

Mount Rushmore and South Dakota

Mount Rushmore National park

Awe-inspiring, been hearing and reading of it for many years even studied abought it in school.

WOW never did I expect the visceral very real overwhelming experience of witnessing it in person. There is no questioning, the spirit of the outstanding men of our past and what they could and did accomplish and the statement they made to us all.

The unavoidable realization/ comparison of the spirit and drive, the intestinal fortitude the ability the vision and strength of the very real men and there contribution (The men of yesteryear), to the mere dreamers and consumers of today.

It took my breath to be in the presents of the spirit of our country’s  fathers and Grand fathers, make no mistake, that mountain holds the spirit of many  outstanding Men. It is a must be present to understand experience.


A outstandingly informative museum, on site with Displays, theaters set up on a time line. The displays are wonderful and require some time to witness all that is there. It is a full day or more worth of involvement with this monument, some of which is hiking trails to get a close up look. We suggest you GO GO GO here and witness this very real part of the Truth of the United States of America.

In the surrounding forest and mountains the, black hills so majestic the pines here. It is nature doing that thing she is so good at.

The Lakota groups have a abundance of attractions/ sites/ displays to understand the heritage of this place from the beginning.

There are Mines, Caves, Zip lines, and mini tourist towns with all types of attractions , activity’s, tours, food the Rapid City. Online site. This is all you need for a itinerary builder.

We stayed in Rapid City at the  Grandstay Residential suites it was very nice, clean rooms, friendly price, friendly staff & conveniently located.


Breakfast was fresh  satisfying and available early am, hot  good coffee nice set up to sit eat and catch up or plan.

Did I say clean that means everything to us.

There were plenty things to see and do we like to get as involved with the local surroundings as we can it makes the visit so much more of a treasured memory we went to the museums and local parks did some shopping at there consignment and thrift stores and you must see The chapel in Hills. and Air Museum.Dinosaur park

Then right down the road is Sturgis So. Dakota if you are there Aug. 7-16 you can be part of the famous motorcycle rally and music festival.

2020 will bring Willie Nelson and ZZ top. Have fun in South Dakota.

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Lechon A traditional Philippine cultural, celebratory and most of all delicious/nami whole roast pig/baboy.

It starts with a tenderly cared for suckling piglet, 30- 40 pounds is best, but sometimes they are biger.

Mama feeding, washing, caring for baboy  a week, month or more in advance of THE day.

My observation is baboy knows as THE day approaches, baboy will change demeanor. Start mourning itself. Mama also will mourn for baboy in due spiritual respect.

Early morning pre dawn of “THE” day, in ritualistic fashion. The beginning of the attending men, papa, manong, kuya, 3 or more men start the fires, boiling water, Preparing the roasting spot the pole ect.

THEN! baboy “SCREAMING” in protest is dispatched! by way of the knife- Halal/bleeding, not a drop of blood is wasted.

Mama at this point is drying her tears. Baboy is now, one cup at a time scalded, dehaired, scraped and washed then eviscerated. The entery is from the diaphragm down. Everything inside is kept-cleaned & washed. Cooking of the stomach, intestine, liver & blood begin.

There will be other persons sometimes hired hands, showing up and assuming roles as prepares, cooks guests throughout the day.

The roasting pole is inserted completely skewering the baboy. Then it is attached at center front and rear to the pole with wire. stuffed with lemon grass, green onion, garlic, magic sarap seasoning, sea salt, and soy sauce. Then sewn up and set aside.

Meanwhile market pork is being prepaired into dishes such as Humba, Menudo & Adobo. The intestines, liver and blood cooked in several ways is ritualistcally consumed throught the day into the night as hors’doeures.

For the men it is time, the rum drinking begins! This is a celebration in full swing. Women are preparing all the non meat dishes and deserts. there is excitement in the air.

the fire coals along with bags of charcoal are in place. Baboy is rubed with soy sauce and the roasting begins. the young men take turns turning the pole the experienced keep brushing the natural oils basting as baboy cooks.

The coals are arranged as needed. Aprox 5 hrs + or – baboy will be done. The crisp skin is the delight of the celibration. The sweet tender meat is exotic and full of flavor.

Continue reading “LECHON”

Fresh mountian Trout

  Natural fresh mountain trout is a taste experience that increasingly fewer people are exposed to or even have the opportunity to try. For the lucky that have access to and the good luck to attain it has a wonderful taste that can not be duplicated.

It is shown plated after a simple fry, skinned and deboned, only the non salted butter from the slow fry was used to season the delicate natural flavor.

Needing any details for cooking. – Contact us

If you do not have access to fresh mountain trout and think you would like to try some please take a look at the –

Travel & Trade page.

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Choosing a Cruise

First time cruisers,

Start by putting all your pre conceived notions on hold and understand. A Cruise is a boat ride, a exotic form of transportation to and from.

If you want a amusement park go to a amusement park.

If you want a water park go to a water park.

If you are only trying to entertain children, then take them elsewhere.

If you are just trying to get somewhere, there are much better form’s of transportation.

If you think that all inclusive means all inclusive you are in for financial shock.

I made a mistake on my first cruise. I was thinking it was all abought 5 star food, being catered to and shore activity.

I was immediately dismayed and disappointed and dam near wasted my chance for a wonderful experience.

Thankfully my beautiful travel partner helped me to understand.

Cruising involves a certain amount of sofistication to emotionally experience the incredible feat of the ship’s engineering the craftsmanship the logistical magic act of the crew the food and entertainment.

The Ocean and its mystique.

The invitation to feel romance and let romance show.

These things must be recognized and appreciated to fully internalize, understand and take advantage of the experience of cruising and the entertaining value of a Cruise ship.

You need to decide what you want first.

Are you looking for romance? If you are good that is the overall ——- experience of cruising since the beginning of cruising for pleasure.

If you are wanting a expensive, slow, special ride to a exotic destination, Good you are in the right place.

If you want 5 star food, get ready to go to the specialty restaurants, at a additional price.

If you want to be a drunk you may double your cruise price and miss out. I do not recommend this mistake.

After these facts are realized, start to research ships and destinations. Wright it down take notes of key info as it is reveled to you.

We feel youtube is a great place to start this research the amount of hands on detailed information is seemingly endless and mostly in detailed review, non sales formats.

Decide what is important to you, Cleanliness, food, entertainment, personal attention, lines, destinations, port’s, activities, restaurants, cost, Keep notes of your thoughts and findings.

Break these things down according to your individual tastes, the ships and the cruise lines and destinations have amenities and reputations details that are readily available online.

Find a Honest Travel agent (look up there reviews online) they are a great resource, we suggest you know basically what you want and are mainly needing booking support.

If you know what cruise line you are going with, then the dedicated travel agents for that cruise line are great and free but proprietary, and are sales people. Don’t make snap decisions call them back.

We understand that cost is a important factor but should be factored in last when choosing the cruise, the main factors of price difference comes from duration of cruise, Cruise line/quality/ cruise ship size, the smaller more personal experiences cost more and are worth it. season, and the early booking deposit, Not full payment that can wait until the last possible date.

Choosing a cruise simply based solely on cost is a mistake.

Never go on a advertised free cruise. If you can’t afford the cruise you want, wait and save.

It is well worth waiting for the right cruise at the right time for the right price.

We wish everyone the best first experience.

We are here for any of your questions.

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Korean Air and the A – 380

Korean Air commonly  rated in the top ten of the international air lines. We love Korean Air, our experience with there customer service has always been a 5 star experience a real person.

I hate computers answering my calls I absolutely hate it, makes me feel bullied and taken for granted, I want to talk to a person please.

I got personal attention with Korean Air.

Every thing we have seen of them has been meticulously cared for, the aircraft noticeably spotless. The crew, nothing short of formally beautiful. The gate attendants sweet and informative.

The crew aboard the aircraft put on a logistical magic act that left us feeling special and satisfied. Food was Korean cuisine fresh and tasty, we like Korean food.  Amenities on our long haul flight was of welcoming quality and quantity. We have nothing but attraction too and praises for Korean Airlines.

The A-380 is the worlds largest passenger Airliner top speed 737 MPH. Fully loaded = one million two hundred thousand pounds.

Powered by four Rolls Royce Trent 900 turbo fan engines. Oh my what a feat of modern engineering. On take off this beast will set you back in your seat as if you were in a top fuel dragster racing down the track, unbelievable power.

A great big comfortable ride with a great safety record. But sadly, like the lady of the sky the iconic 747, the 380 will one day join her in the retired passenger aircraft of the past.  So if you have a chance to take a flight on this wonderful aircraft do it. We will always miss the wonderful sexy 747 and are missing the 380 already.

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